Highways Services

Geometric Design

Full geometric horizontal and vertical design, 3D modelling using the latest software

Access design

Design of residential, private and business access

Car park design

Car park design to give greater consideration to issues such as personal safety, crime prevention, accessibility and appearance


Highway drainage design, foul and surface water including SuDS

Adoptions and Highway Agreements

Section 38 and Section 278 Agreements – Preparation of drawings for technical approval with Local Authorities


Highways design, roundabout and traffic signal junctions in accordance with DMRB


Including assessment of defective footways and carriageways


Residential layouts and design produced using the latest software


We can arrange to carry out full level and topographical surveys, including traffic and pedestrian surveys

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    Other Services


    We specialise in a variety of highway services including traffic signal junctions, and car park design & access.


    We specialise in services such as accident & casualty reduction, pedestrian crossing and sign design.


    We specialise in services including transport assessments & statements, and accessibility and environmental statements.